
my mom

She is so sick. Please let her get better.


Movie Soundtrack

Opening credits- Always On My Mind- Iron and Wine
Waking up- Lonesome Valley- Magnolia Electric Company
First day of school- Undone (The Sweater Song)- Weezer
Falling in love- The Gambler- Kenny Loggins
Fight song- I Need Some Fine Wine and You, You Need to be Nicer- The Cardigans
Breaking up-What Can I Say- Brandi Carlile
Prom – Jump In the River- Sinead O’Connor
Life- Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?- Bruce Springsteen
Mental breakdown- Cotton- The Mountain Goats
Driving- The Fox in the Snow- Belle and Sebastian
Flashback- Lazy- David Byrne
Wedding- Song for the Fireflies- Josh Ritter
Birth of child- Curtain Calls- Old 97s
Final battle- The Bachelor and the Bride- The Decemberists
Death scene- The Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning- Willie Nelson
Funeral song- California- Rufus Wainwright
End credit- New York State of Mind- Billy Joel



Watched "Little Miss Sunshine" with mom. I cried, that movie is so funny. It was a hard morning, but laughing makes it better. Now I'm at work, and should be working more than I am. Lots to do, not much time to do it. We're moving the office soon. That sounds like a big task, but I'm up for it. It will good to start fresh.