
100 Things I Love in this World

  1. onions
  2. my engagement ring
  3. the note from my mom
  4. cardigans
  5. muenster and tomato sandwiches
  6. peonies
  7. Oahu
  8. comics
  9. reading
  10. my sister
  11. Summer
  12. getting letters in the mail
  13. photo booths
  14. Willie Nelson
  15. learning about the FLDS
  16. photography
  17. ahi poke
  18. the taco bus on Rainier Ave.
  19. dogs with funny beards
  20. orange spice tea with a lemon slice
  21. Roseanne
  22. Sharpies
  23. jeans
  24. toast
  25. Seattle
  26. The National's Boxer
  27. undershirts
  28. Tom Morgan
  29. swimming in the ocean
  30. Polaroids
  31. sparkling white wines
  32. talking to my friend Sean
  33. being cozy
  34. Smartwool socks
  35. The Cure
  36. flip-flop tans
  37. cheeseburgers
  38. mysteries
  39. local history
  40. old friends
  41. new friends
  42. singing in the car
  43. days off
  44. road trips
  45. goats
  46. Mountain Goats
  47. good bourbon
  48. sleeping past 9 a.m.
  49. babies
  50. Frank Lloyd Wright
  51. Jane Kenyon
  52. West Side Story
  53. cheap movie theatres
  54. raspberries
  55. camping

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